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Rennsport Wachter | Germania

Rennsport Wachter

Race Team | Noleggio auto | Coaching
67659 Kaiserslautern, Germania

Professional services from Rennsport Wachter in Formula racing:

  • F3 TESTING: Free training and test days with the own Formula 3 race car as well as race car rental.
  • F3 RACING: Participation in the above mentioned racing events with the Racing Team Rennsport Christian Wachter.
  • CAR TRANSPORT SERVICES: Car transport service for racing cars and classic cars.
  • DRIVER COACHING with the instructor Christian Wachter.
  • Purchase and sale of racing cars, parts and accessories.
auto da strada auto da formula
show 1 da 1
Veicolo Formula
Potenza 250 PS
Cambio manual
venditore Rennsport Wachter
Prezzo al giorno (Tasse escluse)
da EUR 5.000

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