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Fabio Fabiani

Fabio Fabiani, 50

Wohnort in Ravenna, Italien
Im Motorsport seit 2006
Training seit 2019
Coaching Fahrzeuge Tourenwagen, Clubsport, Straßen
Tagessatz Ab EUR n/a

After an intense motorbike career interrupted only by two serious accidents, Fabio Fabiani made his debut on four wheels in the 2006 season.

His most important successes include the European SuperProduction title, the Super 2000 World Championship and the TRC DSG Coppa Italia.

In 2021, Fabio competed again in the Coppa Italia.

Coaching Services


Streckenerfahrung auf 16 Strecken

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race- Strecken


Racing Highlights & Experience



1 x WTCC | Champion Klasse/Gruppe | touring
1 x ETCC | Champion Klasse/Gruppe | touring
3 x Coppy Italia Turismo | Champion Klasse/Gruppe | touring


touring Series

  • Coppy Italia Turismo
  • ETCC
  • GT
  • WTCC
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